My name is Cat and I am the very proud mother of an 18 month old baby boy. I am a stay at home mum and since the birth of my son, an avid fan of sensory play and development. I personally feel that any activity which stimulates emotions, the senses and most importantly the imagination can be nothing but beneficial for a growing child.
Prior to writing this blog I had only shared my ideas for play with my close friends on Facebook. They where well received but I hadn't considered that the precious moments I had spent with my son could act as an inspiration to others until the kind words of a friend inspired me to share my fun with the entire blogosphere.
All of the things I do with my son are tailored to his abilities and reflect upon my own interests as a creative person. I cannot stress enough how important it is to stay within your comfort zone and work to you and your childs capabilties! In other words never feel pressure as a parent to do what others do. Your not doing it wrongly, your doing it differently!
Me aged around 18 months |
I have no qualifications in child development and do not claim in anyway to be a professional in the field, all the activities and ideas shown here are purely for inspiration and I urge readers to use common sense and discretion when recreating anything they have seen here.
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